Some monkeys are hanging around in third grade...

Friday, September 28, 2012

We have covered a lot of material in the last six weeks. We are reviewing for our unit tests in language arts and reading class. We will be taking a social studies and science test this coming week as well as a math test on Tuesday. Our days are full and we are working hard at learning how to move quickly from one subject to another.
I will be allowing the kids to bring something to share with the class the last Friday of each month. I would love it if the kids bring things that can be a learning experience for us all.
We read a play as part of our reading class this week. So we took the opportunity to read two more plays and give a quick perfomance for the rest of the class. I can see the kids loved it and plan to do some more during the year. As you can see, we don't really have props. I do have a few hats and some plastic fruit. If you have any old items at home that you think we could use as props we would gladly take them. Following are pictures of the kids during our plays today.
Here is one group of kids who worked together to read/perform a play for the rest of the class.

The play, "Clever John" being performed by Lauren, Kacey and Seth.
Alexis was the narrator of one of our plays.

Savanna, Lauren and Caylee performing their play to the other members of the class.

This group worked together to do a reading of a play, "How Fly Saves the River" for the rest of the class. They had a fun time and we will definately be doing more plays in class this year.
Ben and Ashley enjoyed having a role in the play.

Annette played the role of Beaver and Jakob actually played a dual role.

Ashley played the part of the Moose and Jakob was a Muskrat.

Ethan was the narrator of the play and Christy was "Fly"

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Box tops, box tops box tops!!! Parents don't forget to save all the boxtops from products.
They allow to the school to do some great things for the kids.
Here Kacey is trimming boxtops that she brought to school.

Ashley and Caylee working together

Jakob is studying spelling with a few other students

Savanna and Lauren practicing spelling words during a short break

Christy and Annette studying spelling words

Ben and Alexis taking a few minutes to study spelling words

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Well, we have three weeks of school under our belt. This last week I could really see the kids getting settled into our schedule.

We will be doing a lot of writing in our class this year. The kids have a weekly journal subject that is required along with many other opportunities to journal. It is a great opportunity for the kids to write with more expression and use more vivid words. We talk about writing so your audience can see it like a movie in their head. Ask your kids about some of the things they are writing about.

Continue to check the blog for updates on what we are doing in our classroom.